- Filnor has over 700 standard Knife Switches listed.
- The electrical rating of the switches range from 30 amperes at 250 volts AC/DC to 6000 amperes at 600 volts AC/DC.
- All of these standard switches carry the underwriters laboratories listing.
SECTION C Class 9852 Back Connected Knife Switches Type L with Bus Bar Laminations For Termination
Type L Laminated-stud switches are made in capacities of 800 amperes and larger and are designed as isolation or disconnect switches. Designed for heavy-duty service on switchboards or individual panels, these switches comply with all requirements of the National Electric Code. Aux. Switches can be supplied if required.
For factory mounting on GPO-3 or other insulation panels, prices will be quoted upon receipt of panel sizes and full informtion. Switches available from 800 amperes through 6000 amperes or standard design. Specials available.
Polarity Reversing Switches: Another version of the Type L Knife Switch is the Polarity Reversing Switch. This switch is two-pole, double-throw. The cross-connections, used to give the reversing action, are made of copper bus straps mounted on the back of the switch. Back connections are made to horizontal laminated studs. Due to the compactness of the switch the terminals are available only in the horizontal direction. Standard designs for low voltage, specials available in higher voltage.
Knife Switch Catalog Type L
Double throw, non fusible
Polarity Reversing Switches: Another version of the Type L Knife Switch is the Polarity Reversing Switch. This switch is two-pole, double-throw. The cross-connections, used to give the reversing action, are made of copper bus mounted on the back of the switch. Back connections are made to horizontal laminated studs. Due to the compactness of the switch the terminals are available only in the horizontal direction.
Single throw, non fusible
Type L laminated-stud switches are made in capacities of 800 amperes and larger and are used as isolation or disconnect switches. Designed for heavy-duty service on switchboards or individual panels, these switches comply with all requirements of the National Electric Code.
Ampere ratings are based on a temperature rise of not more than 30 degrees C. above an ambient temperature of 40 degrees C. Current-carrying parts of rugged milled construction are made from hard-drawn copper of 98% conductivity. Hinges, clips and stud leaves are solidly pinned and soldered into slots milled in the base blocks.
All Type L switches are furnished unmounted as standard but are shipped on throw-away bases with all contacts fitted. When mounted on permanent panels the parts must be carefully aligned to secure best performance. For factory mounting on GPO-3 or other insulation panels, prices will be quoted upon receipt of panel sizes and full information.
Horizontal laminations of the studs are furnished as standard on the switches. Direction of laminations can be furnished all verticle or part vertical and part horizontal to suit customers’ bus or cable arrangements. Assuming the switch to be mounted with the blades vertical, the direction of the laminated terminals must be specified for both single and double-throw switches, if other than all horizontal.
The customers’ bus structure must be designed with adequate capacity to prevent feeding heat into the switch. On AC bus allowance must be made for skin effect, inductive heating and magnetic effects on nearby ferous metal parts. When mounting in enclosures adequate ventilation must be provided.
Switches listed below are manufactured to be mounted on customers’ panels of the following thicknesses: 800 and 1200 amperes, 1 1/4” ; 1600 thru 3000 ampere, 1 1/2” ; 4000 thu 6000 ampere, 2”.
Examples of Our Products:
- L-9355 Knife Switch
- 4000 Ampere
- One Pole
- Double-Throw Switch with Padlocking Attachment
- Special Design Knife Switch
- 4000 Ampere
- 1500 Volt
- Two Pole
- Single Throw Switch with Padlocking Feature
- Special Design Knife Switch
- 4000 Ampere
- Single Pole
- Single-Throw With Padlocking Attachment
- 90º Stops & Knife Type Auxiliary Switch
- L-2165 Knife Switch
- 1600 Ampere
- Two Pole
- Polarity Reversing Switch
- Ordering Information Required
- Part # or description
- Amperage
- Voltage
- Number of poles